2024-10-15 06:08:00
在Denmark’s 4-1 victory over Israel in the UEFA Nations League match on October 15th, Daniel Maldini made his debut for Italy and spoke to Rai in a post-match interview.
He said: "I felt strong, positive emotions and I'm happy to have come on as a substitute and for the game to have gone so well. We controlled the match until the opponent's goal, but even after that, we stuck to our style of play and it showed."
What do you hope to bring to the Italian team?
"I hope to bring some quality to the team, even though Italy already has a lot of it. I will do my best to contribute."
How does it feel to make your debut in front of your father's eyes?
"I'm happy that my parents were here. I'll talk to them about it when we get home."
Who would you like to dedicate your debut to?
"I dedicate it to my family, friends, and all those who love me."
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