2024-10-04 12:16:48
Barcelona coach, Flick, took a two-day break for the team after their victory over Young Boys in the Champions League, but his own work did not stop. On Thursday, Flick and club executive, Boyan, attended training sessions of Barcelona's youth academy.
According to Mundo Deportivo, Flick and Boyan were particularly interested in players like Albert Sánchez. Kunca made his Champions League debut midweek and Flick continues to search for talented players at La Masia. The next players who may make their first team debut for Barcelona are the Fernández brothers. They have already been called up to the first team five times, but they will have to wait as they will be representing the Spanish U19 and U18 teams next week.
Barcelona's youth academy has also seen Prim (18), Guillermo Fernández (16), Juan Hernández (17), Kunca (17), and Héctor Forte (18) being called up to the Spanish U19 national team.
Tony Fernández (16), Llendri Fare (17), Ed Alair (17), Harvey Espart (17), and Junient (17) have been called up to the Spanish U18 national team.
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