2024-11-03 02:01:45
BLG and T1 faced off in the final match of the 2024 Global Finals. In the early game of the fourth match, T1 swapped lanes and successfully caught out BLG's Zeus multiple times in the bottom lane, while Faker's Sylas solo killed Elk's Ezreal in the top lane. In a dragon fight, Elk was taken down by Little Lu Bu, and T1 took advantage by securing two dragons, giving them a 2k gold lead.
In the mid game, Knight's Ornn engaged with a big charge, allowing BLG to secure three kills and equalize the gold. T1 followed up by pushing the mid lane, with Faker's Sylas engaging from the side and T1 securing two kills in exchange for the Rift Herald. T1 then took the opportunity to take down the Baron, extending their lead to 2k gold.
In the late game, Faker's Sylas initiated team fights with unstoppable damage, resulting in BLG's continuous retreat and handing over the Baron. After ON died in their own jungle and Knight was killed by Little Lu Bu, T1 stormed into BLG's base, destroying their Nexus, and forced a fifth and final match.
In the first game, Elk's Ashe scored a triple kill with his long-range arrows, leading to BLG's victory. In the second game, Zeus's Garen and Little Lu Bu's Jarvan IV made key plays, allowing T1 to win a game. In the third game, ON's Zoe and Abin's Kennen played exceptionally well, helping BLG secure another win.
The MVP of the match was not mentioned, and the detailed statistics and analysis of the game were not provided.
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