2024-10-29 08:02:36
“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the 2024 League of Legends World Championship. We have just witnessed a thrilling quarterfinal match where WBG defeated LNG to secure their spot in the semifinals. However, their journey came to an end as they fell short against BLG and missed out on a spot in the finals.
In a recent interview with WBG player Light, he was asked about the team's unexpected success in this season of the LPL and their ability to defy expectations. Light responded by saying that when it comes to important matches, every player on the team is determined to contribute as much as possible and find ways to help the team. He also mentioned that they believe they can defeat any opponent as long as they execute their game plan effectively.
The interviewer then brought up last year's finals against T1 and Light's statement about focusing on the bot lane matchup. Light acknowledged that their bot lane was not aggressive enough in that match and they failed to match T1's strength. However, he expressed confidence that this year would be different and they would not back down if they faced T1 again.
When asked about any personal changes he has made this year, Light mentioned that last year, the team relied heavily on their ADC, C, and waited for him to make plays. However, this year, the entire team is taking a more proactive approach, with players in all positions stepping up to take on a more aggressive role. Although there is still room for improvement, Light believes that this change has been significant for the team.
Well, there you have it. WBG may have fallen short in their quest for the championship, but their performance this year has been noteworthy. It will be interesting to see how they continue to evolve in the future. Back to you in the studio!"
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